About South Florida Elder Law Attorney, Alice Reiter Feld

Friday, June 28, 2013

Supreme Court Decision Removes Obstacles to Non-Traditional Marriages

Two landmark court decisions last week opened new doors for non-traditional couples. And estate planning for such couples will never be the same.

The Supreme Court ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) violates the Fifth Amendment, by denying Federal benefits and programs enjoyed by opposite-sex couples to gays and lesbians who are legally married in their states. Gay and lesbian spouses cannot get tax-free health benefits from employers. They can't file joint federal tax returns. They're not recognized for insurance benefits or Social Security, nor the marital estate tax exemption. 

The court's decision says that DOMA unconstitutionally denied Edith Windsor an exemption from federal estate taxes on her wife's estate, even though New York State, where she lives, recognizes same-sex marriage. This decision affirms the rights of same-sex couples in the eleven other states (and D.C.) that have legalized same-sex marriages. (Florida, of course, hasn't.)
DOMA, enacted in 1996, defines marriage for federal law purposes as the legal union of one man and one woman.

In another important case, the Supreme Court refused to rule on a same-sex marriage ban approved by California voters in 2008. Instead, they sent the case back to a federal district court there - which had already barred the state from enforcing the law.

Statistics don't lie...momentum is on the side of same-sex couples. Nearly a third of Americans live in states with legalized same-sex marriage. In the latest Pew Research Center survey, 72% of Americans called legalization "inevitable." And several more states may adopt legislation soon.

Estate planning for non-traditional couples has always been tricky. And now that the rules of the game are changing, it's even trickier.

If you're part of a non-traditional couple, you've probably got a lot of questions. We can answer them.

At The Law Offices of Alice Reiter Fled, we've been addressing estate planning problems for South Florida families - all types of families - for the past 34 years. And we've helped them secure their futures, and their wishes...with comprehensive estate planning, wills, trusts, powers of attorney, long-term care planning, asset-protection plans, and assistance with Medicaid and the VA.

No matter what type of family you're in, we can help. And we're just a phone call away.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

It's a Dog's World... Especially for Seniors - Part 1

Hi! I'm Emily, the official "Office Greeter" at The Law Offices of Alice Reiter Feld & Associates. (Although, truth be told, I much prefer the title of "Goodwill Ambassador.")emily

I carry out my greeting duties with dedication and a warm wag (and a full-fledged lick if you bring me a treat!). Monday was "Bring Your Dog to Work Day." So it's a perfect time to talk about a serious matter...the role a dog can play in a senior's life.

If a dog is man's best friend...then we're blood-brothers to seniors. According to my Mom, Alice Reiter Feld, studies show that we can bring a sense of happiness and well-being to seniors. 

Unfortunately, millions of my healthy friends are put to death every year because they haven't found homes. But millions of seniors would love the companionship and unconditional love that we can give them.

The Pets For the Elderly Foundation is doing something about it.

Pets For the Elderly pays a portion of the fee when someone 60 or older adopts one of my canine brothers or sisters. They now have 52 participating shelters across America...including, happily, the Humane Society of Broward County (www.humanebroward.com). 

How can one of my furry friends help you?
* A loving companion can help a senior feel less isolated...especially if they live alone.
* Just as a dog benefits from his/her daily walks...so does a senior.
* Seniors who own dogs have a sense of purpose, and of feeling needed. (After all, we can't carry our own pooper-scoopers!).
* Owning a dog, according to researchers, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and lessens incidences of depression. 

So give it some thought. 

My Mom has been helping South Floridians plan for senior life for 34 years, with comprehensive estate planning, wills, trusts, powers of attorney, long-term care plans, asset-protection plans, and assistance with Medicaid and the VA. She can help you, too.

So stop by our office. And if you happen to slip me a doggie-goodie when I perform my greeting duties...well, what Mom doesn't know won't hurt her!

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Only Constant In Life... Is Change

I wish I could have been the one who said it. Alas, I was beaten by about 2,600 years...by a Greek professor named Heraclitus. But, after moving my office from Tamarac to Coral Springs (1829 N. University Drive), I've been doing a lot of thinking about change. 

Think moving your home is traumatic? Try moving 34 years' worth of files, along with the usual desks, sofas, chairs, computers, copiers, printers, and assorted other office equipment.

It was a bit emotional for me. After all, we'd been in Tamarac for 25 years! During the official moving day on Friday - and during the 16-hour days organizing the new office over the weekend - I occasionally thought about just how right Heraclitus was.

We consider our move a positive change. Nonetheless, other than the deaths of both my parents over the past eight months, it was the most stressful thing I've done in many years. But, even though the move is now in my rear-view mirror, I'm still thinking about change. 

After all, many of my clients are dealing with change...often, change that isn't good. Many are dealing with illness. Or concerns over whether they'll outlive their money. Or uncomfortable family situations due to change. And many are simply dealing with the fear of change.

But we have to learn - all of us - to deal with change. And we have to learn, also, to move on and accept it. Just ask Heraclitus.

I take great pride - and personal satisfaction - in the fact that we've been helping families deal with change for 34 years. And in the fact that we've helped them prepare financially for the changes that come with aging.

At the Law Offices of Alice Reiter Feld & Associates, we've helped thousands of South Florida families prepare for - and navigate - change. We've helped them with comprehensive estate planning, wills, trusts, powers of attorney, long-term care planning, asset-protection plans, and assistance with Medicaid and the VA...and with answers to their questions. 

We can help your family navigate change, too. And we're just a phone call away.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Vet's Benefit Formulas May Be Changing. And Vets Are Confused!

As I mentioned in my last blog, my Dad was a World War II veteran. He mostly kept his memories to himself. But, on the rare occasions he opened up, he conveyed a sense of trauma and horror that remains with me to this day.

So it burns me up when our veterans - who should be honored for their service - are made to suffer because of the VA's incredibly-complex regulations, and their slowness in fulfilling claims. Now, on top of everything else, they may be changing the benefits formula. And it's not to the vets' advantage.
Our government has come up with a formula to change the Cost-of-Living Adjustments (read: Lower!) for those receiving Federal benefits. The new formula would save the government money. But it would hurt veterans.

How? Well, AARP has calculated, for example, that a 30-year-old Iraq or Afghanistan vet without children, with a 100% disability, would lose about $100,000 by the age of 75. In addition, over a decade, 23 million veterans would lose a total of $17 billion in compensation!

We all need a budget deal from Congress. But not one that takes bites out of the money due our veterans!

Too many of our veterans are nursing grievous physical or emotional injuries as a result of their service. And, in my opinion, where these folks are concerned, there should be a "No-Cut" policy!
My Dad passed away recently. But I'll continue to honor his memory - and those of all who've served our country - by fighting for the rights of veterans and their families.

At The Law Offices of Alice Reiter Feld & Associates, we're Elder Law attorneys. We've been working with South Florida veterans and their families for 34 years. And we've walked many a family through the frightening maze of VA regulations.In addition,we've walked them through the Elder Journey...with comprehensive estate planning, wills, trusts, powers of attorney, long-term care planning, asset-protection plans, and assistance with Medicaid. 

In fact, we're sponsoring a very important seminar on veterans' benefits on March 21. If you're a vet, you should be there.

And, remember - Whether you have questions about veterans' benefits or any aspect of estate planning and financial security, we're just a phone call away.