There may be lonelier and sadder jobs in the world than being a caregiver to an Alzheimer's patient...but not many of them. And, unfortunately, the journey toward better understanding what they're going through, and what they're feeling, must be grounded in the realization that you'll never fully know.
The good thing about Alzheimer's, though - if there is a good thing - is that resources are available to find out some of these answers. People are writing about it, people are talking about it, and people are studying it more than ever before.
You can learn a bit about what your loved one is feeling if you join a caregiver support group. (And you'll also benefit from the realization that there are many other people in the same predicament that you're not alone!) Other good sources are your local Alzheimer's Association (, and your local Area Agency on Aging. One of the best sources of information is National Institute on Aging, an arm of The National Institutes of Health (alzheimer'
If we listed all the good websites with information on Alzheimer's, we'd need a book, not a blog. And speaking of books, there are - literally - hundreds of good ones available. Ask your Alzheimer's Association for some good ones. Or just go on Amazon and explore titles about Alzheimer's. Believe me, there are enough to keep you busy for a long time!
And there's another good resource available, as well...a Board-Certified Elder Law attorney who can walk you through the Alzheimer's Journey.
At The Law Offices of Alice Reiter Feld & Associates, we are Elder Law attorneys. And, over the past 33 years, we've walked thousands of South Florida families through the Alzheimer's Journey... with professionalism, with compassion, and, when necessary, with a soft shoulder. In addition, we can also help you with comprehensive estate planning, wills, trusts, powers of attorney, long-term care planning, asset protection, and issues with Medicaid or the VA.
This is one journey you don't have to make alone. We're just a phone call away.
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