About South Florida Elder Law Attorney, Alice Reiter Feld

Monday, August 13, 2012

End of Life vs. Prolonging Life

Unless you know something I don’t, we’re all going to die.

We’re not, however, all going to die the same way. Some of us will die naturally, in a comfortable environment – perhaps our own home – surrounded by family. Others of us will die in a cold, sterile hospital, surrounded by people in white coats whose job it is to keep us breathing as long as possible.

For better or worse – and, yes, it can often be for worse – modern medicine has become so adept at keeping us alive that “terminally”-ill people can now live for weeks, or even months. Of course, this is where the definition of “living” comes into play. And it’s where each of us must make a choice.

How do we want to “live?” And how do we want to die?

Many people spend their last days in hospitals, hooked up to machines that breathe for them and feed them, while being given drugs that can only prolong – not save – their lives. Almost half of terminal patients report significant pain…which can only be treated if they’re sedated. And if that’s the way you want to go, that’s OK. But you should be the one making the decision…not doctors!

Three-quarters of people say they want to die at home – but only one-quarter of us actually do. And here’s the reason: Only 25% of Americans have any type of advance directive.

What about you? Do you have an advance directive? Will your family know your wishes? And, if the answer’s “no”…are you really comfortable with that?

We can help you answer these questions for yourself…so that, when the time comes, the steps taken are the ones you’ve outlined in advance.

At The Law Offices of Alice Reiter Feld & Associates, we practice Elder Law – and only Elder Law. Over the past 33 years, we’ve helped thousands of South Florida seniors – and their families – to decide how they want to answer these questions. And we’ve helped them prepare in advance, as well…with comprehensive estate plans, wills, trusts, powers of attorney, long-term care planning, asset-protection plans, and assistance with Medicaid and the VA. And, yes…advance directives, too.  

The questions can be overwhelming. But the patient and the family – not doctors – should really be the ones answering them. We can help. And we’re only a phone call away. 
End of Life vs. Prolonging Life

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