About South Florida Elder Law Attorney, Alice Reiter Feld

Friday, March 16, 2012

Are You In The "Sandwich Generation?"

If so, you’re probably feeling like the peanut butter in the PBJ sandwich right now – squeezed from all sides. Or you may be feeling, as Ringo Starr sang, “It Ain’t Easy.”

The “Sandwich Generation,” of course, is the name for people “sandwiched” into a very tough spot – parents raising their own children (and probably holding jobs) while also caring for a parent. Throw in the economic uncertainty, and the fact that many government and private resources are short on funding, and you’re probably really feeling the squeeze. Not only financially, but also on your personal life, your work life, and your “me” time.

In addition to the stressors mentioned above, there can be another big one – family disharmony. The grandparent can become snappy with the children. The children may feel the grandparent is requiring too much attention from their parents. And the parents may feel stretched as far as they can go. Then, of course, there’s the guilt many “Sandwich Generation” members feel at not being available for their spouses.

The “Sandwich Generation” parent can often feel very alone, and fighting a losing battle to keep it all together. And a devastating sense of fatigue, both physical and emotional.

A caregivers’ support group can share ways to cope. There are specific support groups for children of Alzheimer’s patients, for example. And there are numerous publications that can give you some clearer perspective, from the American Health Assistance Foundation (1-800-437-2423; www.ahaf.org), and the national Alzheimer’s Association (1-800-272-3900, 24 hours a day; www.alz.org).

If you’re a member of the “Sandwich Generation,” YOU DON’T HAVE TO SUFFER IN SILENCE!

And you don’t have to suffer alone. The Law Offices of Alice Reiter Feld & Associates is an Elder Law practice…and we’ve been helping South Florida families deal with situations like this for 33 years. We have the resources – physical, legal, and emotional – to get you through times like these. And we have the resources to fight for your rights (and those of your loved one), with estate planning documents such as wills, trusts, and powers of attorney, as assistance with the VA or Medicaid, and protecting your assets.

We’ll fight for what’s yours. And we’re just a phone call away!

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