About South Florida Elder Law Attorney, Alice Reiter Feld

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why Traditional Estate Planning Could Make You Wish You Were Dead!

To put it mildly...the world ain't what it used to be!

The times they are a' changin' so fast that it's hard to keep up.

One thing that hasn't changed much, though, is estate planning. Long-term care and Medicaid planning are just not included in most existing estate plans. And that's a shame. Because AARP statistics show that 75% of people over 65 will need long-term care or Medicaid.

Unfortunately, many attorneys - perhaps because their clients press them for a "quick, simple" plan - still don't include these items in the plans they devise. As a result, their clients aren't thoroughly prepared for all of life's eventualities as they age. And when these clients realize it, the shock may be devastating - to their health as well as to their estates.

Most of us don't like to think about our eventual demise, so we want to keep the visit with the attorney brief. As a result, the document we receive is often pretty much the same one every other client receives, with some minor modifications.

But...IT'S YOUR LIFE! You don't want someone else's plan with slight modifications! You want your own plan. And you want a plan that can change as your personal and family circumstances change!

In an ironic twist, we're living longer...but, as a result, spending more time in nursing homes and long-term care facilities than any previous generation. But - if you're like most people - your estate planning documents weren't drawn up any differently than those of the earlier generations.

And if that's the case, you - and your estate - are in some serious trouble! Are you willing to lose your life savings...and your family's inheritance?

We can help. At the Law Offices of Alice Reiter Feld & Associates, we've been practicing Elder Law for 33 years. We've helped thousands of South Florida families come up with secure, air-tight estate plans that protect their legal rights and protect their assets. And we're on a one-stop shop. If it has to do with estate planning, we can do it. Wills. Trusts. Powers of Attorney. Long-term care planning. Medicaid or VA assistance. Asset preservation. Caregiver support. And much more.

We know the ropes. And we're just a phone call away. Why Traditional Estate Planning Could Make You Wish You Were Dead!

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