About South Florida Elder Law Attorney, Alice Reiter Feld

Friday, November 22, 2013

Moving in With Your Kids? A Survival Handbook - Part 1

Sometimes, what goes around, comes around. Some of us, after raising children in our own homes, find ourselves moving into their home.

It can be a difficult situation. Seniors are often in this position because of a loss of independence. After a lifetime of sheltering and providing for our children, they're now the ones sheltering us.

It's no picnic for your child, either. After finally achieving independence and self-sufficiency - and, most likely, raising their own children - now they've got to share their home with you. After possibly achieving that most envied goal of parents - Empty Nesthood - now they've got to share their nest. Seniors, of course, are acutely aware of this. And they may feel insecure about whether they're really wanted.

Opportunities for conflict are like low-hanging fruit in this situation. But it doesn't have to be like the Hatfields and McCoys. In fact, if both sides use common sense (and sensitivity), it can be one of the most rewarding periods of your life.

Here are two tips to get you started...

* Be grateful! Be grateful your child is taking you in. They are willing to make a huge lifestyle adjustment...and are putting your needs ahead of theirs. Many seniors aren't as fortunate as you - they may have to move into assisted living or a nursing home. So see your cup as half-full.

* Compromise! Even if you want your own bathroom, don't ask for changes if they might cause problems.

If you're moving in with your child, you'll have a ton of questions. But we can help.

At The Law Offices of Alice Reiter Feld & Associates, we practice Elder Law. Over the past 34 years, we've helped thousands of South Florida families facing this situation. And we've helped them plan for their futures, as well, with comprehensive estate planning, wills, trusts, powers of attorney, long-term care planning, asset-protection plans, and assistance with Medicaid and the VA.

We can help your family, too. And we're just a phone call away.

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